日本放射光学会誌    Journal of JSSRR
Vol.35,No.5/Sept. 2022

放射光施設を用いたガラスの研究 ~国際ガラス年2022を記念して~

Glass Researches Using Synchrotron Radiation - In Commemoration of the International Year of Glass 2022

放射光を用いたガラス研究の最近の進展 ―国際ガラス年2022を記念して―
Recent Progresses in Glass Research Using Synchrotron Radiation - In Commemoration of the International Year of Glass 2022
*Synchrotron radiation X-rays for glass research
(2 pages, 2,878k)
*Basis in structural studies on glasses by diffraction experiments
(11 pages, 2,906k)
小野寺陽平, 平田秋彦(p.274)
*Structure of functional glassy and amorphous materials revealed by the complementary use of quantum beam techniques
Yohei ONODERA and Akihiko HIRATA
(11 pages, 18,529k)
河野義生, 佐藤友子(p.285)
*In situ high-pressure synchrotron x-ray experiments on the structure and properties of glasses
Yoshio KONO and Tomoko SATO
(10 pages, 10,530k)
齋藤真器名, 金谷利治(p.295)
*Study of Johari-Goldstein process dominating structural relaxation in glasses by using time-domain interferometer based on synchrotron radiation
Makina SAITO and Toshiji KANAYA
(9 pages, 7,576k)
星野大樹, 山本量一(p.304)
*Study of dynamic heterogeneity near glass transition using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
Taiki HOSHINO and Ryoichi YAMAMOTO
(9 pages, 16,537k)
  *The 9th International Conference on Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES 2022) 報告  
三村功次郎(p.313) (2 pages, 4,850k)
山本航平(p.315) (2 pages, 1,918k)

■掲示板  ■会告  ■行事予定  ■日本の主な放射光施設のWeb Site  
■賛助会員名簿 ■ 編集委員会名簿、編集後記
